Henri fayol's management principle (esprit de corps)



'Esprit de corps' is a french word which means "UNITY HAS STRENGTH"or "UNION IS STRENGTH".

Now let's see what Henri Fayol advocates here,
According to this, principle management must encourage or promote team spirit and unity which brings coordination and cooperation in the organisation. This principle replaces the word "I" with "we". This will give raise to mutual trust and belongingness among team members. It will also minimise the need for penalities.

☆ Advantages of applying this principle :-

》Develop team spirit among members in organisation. 
》Achievement of group goal. (As all employees are working on same projects and apply their ideas united to complete a job.)
》Increase in mutual trust.

☆ Disadvantages of violation of this principle;:-

》Team goal may not be achieved. 
》No team spirit and more stress on individualism.
》No trust at all.

■ keywords :-

  • Union has strength.
  • Work with team spirit.
  • Follow United we stand, divided we fall.
  • This principle was used in movie 'chak de'.
  • Replace "I" with "we".

Thank you 😊.
