Henri fayol's management principle (principle of order)


Here order doesn't mean command, but it refers to orderly arrangements of resources ( mainly 4M - Man, Money, Material, and machine ) in the organisation. According to this principle HENRI FAYOL advocates there should be a place for everyone and everything in the organisation.
 So no one in organisation wastes time and energy in search of materials or any person.

If any worker in the organisation needs a tool so a fixed toolbox or tool room should be maintained. So every employee who needs a tool should take it from there and after using it return it to the same place,so any other colleges don't waste time in search of that tool. 

✓ Advantages of following this principle:-
  1. Smooth and systematic working in the organisation.
  2. No wastage of time and energy in search of 4M.
  3. Quick decision.
✓ Disadvantages of violating this principle:-
  1. Lack of discipline and no systematic working.
  2. Wastage of time.
  3. Delay in decision.

Orderly arrangements of resources.
No wastage of time and energy in search of materials.

