Henri Fayol's Management principle(Principle of scalar chain)

Principle of scalar chain

Scalar chain refers to the chain of command ranking from top to bottom.
( i.e. from top level of management to bottom level of management).
Every information must pass through each key of this chain, no skipping of this chain should be allowed. 

According to this principle HENRI FAYOL states that all the information or messages must be passed through each level of management(all authorized persons top to bottom). So there must not be communication gap.

☆ Example:- If A wants to communicate with G . He has to move through 
B 》C 》D  》E  》F and than to G.

What is gang plank ?

In case of emergency 'A ' can communicate with 'G'.
Here A and are in different departments but at same position (I.e. same authority) can communicate directly but after taking permission from immediate superior. 
This is called Gang plank.

☆ Advantages of following this principle  :-

  1. No communication gap.
  2. Systematic flow of information. 
  3. Clarity in authority and responsibility. 

☆ Disadvantages of violating this principle :-

  1. Communication gap may create problem.
  2. No systematic flow of information. 
  3. Hard to develop authority and responsibility relationship.

* (Authority and responsibility is the same as "who will report to whom".)

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