Henri Fayols management principle (principle of unity of direction )

Principle of unity of direction

According to this principle Fayol advocates, one unit or department must have one head, one plan and all the activities of that unit or department must be toward one direction only.

There should be one goal of the team or the members in the organisation and all the activities they perform a directed towards the achievement of common goal.

(This means that many employees have the same kind of goals and objectives with their work and these are the employees who should be completely directed towards one common goal and then also must have the same plan headed by a single person or a particular head.

This is the principle which states that it is important to have unity when it comes to the course of action for a particular company.)

For example, if a company is manufacturing motorcycles as well as cars then it should have two separate divisions for both of them. Each division should have its own incharge, plans and execution resources. On no account should the working of two divisions overlap.

》Advantages of applying this principle :

  • There is a decrease in the duplication of the work which is being done by the employees of the organization.
  • Ensures uniformity and coordination. 

》Disadvantages of not applying this principle :

  • Lack of coordination
  • Waste of efforts and resources if we all work differently
  • Difficult to achieve organisation goal if we all work towards different directions.
