Time study
It establishes the typical amount of time needed to complete a specific task.
Each task component uses a timer to keep track of time. By taking many readings, the standard time is set for the entire task.
The volume and frequency of the work, the operation's cycle time, and the costs associated with time measurement will all influence the time research methodology. The goal of a time study is to estimate the necessary workforce, develop adequate incentive programmes, and calculate labour expenses.
For example, on the basis of several observations it is determined that standard time taken by the worker to make one cardboard box is 20 minutes. So in one hour she/he will make 3 boxes. Assuming that a worker has to put in 8 hours of work in a shift and deducting one hour for rest and lunch, it is determined that in 7 hours a worker makes 21 boxes @ 3 boxes per hour.
Now this is the standard task a worker has to do. Wages can be decided accordingly.
Time studies concerned to determine or find out the standard time required to perform a particular job.
The objective of time study
1. To determine standard time to perform a particular job.
2. To set standard target for workers.
3. To determine number of workers required to perform a job.
4. Two categorise efficient and in efficient workers.
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