How to convert public company into a private company?

 Procedure of converting public company to private company

1. Special resolution

Special resolution is to be pass to order the articles to include the provision of section 2 ( 68)

2. Copy of special resolution 

Within 30 days of passing the resolution a copy has to be filled with the registrar of the companies.

3. Government approval

Alteration made in article of the company should be approved by Central Government the company becomes a private company from the date of the order of approval. 

4. Filing copy of altered articles and government approval.

5. Within 15 days of receiving the approval copy of Central Government letter of approval along with the copy of altered articles must be filed with the registrar of companies.

6. Adding the word private to the name of the company. The world private limited should be included in the name of the company.

7. Reduction in membership the number of members if more than 200 should be limited to 200 excluding past or present employee members.
