What is Organising and its process


Defination :

Organising refers to the process of identification and division of work, departmentation, assignment of duties and establishment of reporting relationship.

It involves creating a framework that outlines roles, responsibilities, and relationships within the organization. 
Effective organizing contributes to improved efficiency, reduced redundancy, better resource utilization, and enhanced collaboration among team members. It's one of the fundamental functions of management, along with planning, leading, and controlling.

Organising process

1. Identification and division of work.

In the first step or the process of organising, whole work is identified and divided into smaller units (each unit of total work is called a job) this is smaller unit of jobs are organised to a person according to qualification, experience and capabilities.
The division of work lead to specialisation and specialisation improves efficiency.

2. Departmentation or grouping

Departmentation is the process of keeping similar nature of job under a particular department.
After identification and division of work under these process the similar nature of job are kept under a particular department these can be done through various ways but most common ways are :

3. Assignment of duties and responsibilities

After departmentation, under the process duties and responsibilities are assigned to person according to qualification, skill, experience, knowledge etc.
The duties or responsibilities are assigned to one person with the help of job description letter.
Job description letter is a document which clearly defines or spells out what exactly a person need to perform in every job and job description letter defines the content and responsibility related to the job.

4. Establishing reporting relationship

After assignment of duties and responsibilities, under this process matching with duties and responsibility authorities also assigned these create management hierarchy a chain of command who will report to whom the assignment of authority result in creation of superior subordinate relationship.
