What is organising?
Defination :- "Organising refers to the process of identification and division of work, departmentation, assignment of duties and establishment of reporting relationship."
The act of organising is the methodical and effective arrangement and structuring of people, tasks, and resources with the aim of achieving predetermined goals or objectives. To guarantee that tasks are carried out in a coordinated and synchronised manner, it entails developing a strategy, establishing priorities, and assigning resources.
Organizing can occur on many different scales, including the individual, group, organisational, and even societal levels. It entails a variety of tasks, including the development of teams, the establishment of reporting relationships, the establishment of systems and procedures, and the design of work processes.
● Importance and significance of organising
- Benefits of specialisation :
In organising the whole work is identified and divided into smaller units and each unit is a sign to a person according to capability knowledge and experience. The division of work lead to specialisation and specialization improves efficiency
- Role clarity / optimum utilization of resources :
Inorganising duties and responsibility are assigned to a person and clearly defined with the help of job description letter job description letter is the document which clearly defines the content aur responsibilities related to the job.
- Clarity in working condition :
In organising after assignment of duties and responsibilities matching with responsibilities some authorities also granted this creates the chain of command or management here key who will report to whom. Organising function define superior subordinate relationship.
- Adoption to change :
In organising Similar nature of job are kept under particular department which create various departments, sections, divisions. So, the change can be made only that area which are affected without disturbing your hampering the activities of different area.
- Expansion and growth :
With optimum utilisation of resources, clarity in working condition, specialisation, departmentation, there is more chances or expansion and growth.
- Development of personnel :
In organising superior is allowed to transfer or share his authority to the subordinate as a result superior can concentrate on important matters as well as subordinate get chance to explain his ideas and thoughts,which is helpful for the development of personnel.
- Effective administration:
In organising superior transfer his authority to subordinate and subordinate take decision according to the requirement in organisation. So, as a result it brings effectiveness in the administration.
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