Organising structure (self made notes)


Organising refers to the process of identification and division of work, departmentation, assignment of duties and establishment of reporting relationship.
Effective organizing contributes to improved efficiency, reduced redundancy, better resource utilization, and enhanced collaboration among team members. It's one of the fundamental functions of management, along with planning, leading, and controlling.

 ● What is organising structure?

" Organising structure is a framework in the which operational and managerial work is perform. "

Organisation structure specify the relation between human, work and resources.

The framework or arrangement of components, resources, and activities inside an organisation is referred to as the organising structure. It includes the planning of the authority structure, lines of communication, job descriptions, and decision-making procedures that direct how an organisation functions.

An organization's organisational structure often entails breaking it up into smaller departments or units, giving each one defined duties and responsibilities, and setting up a clear chain of command and communication channel. Each employee's roles and responsibilities are made clear, and it helps to ensure that everyone is pursuing the same objectives.

While framing organisation structure the following consideration are to be kept in mind.

• Factors affecting organisational structure 

Job design:  

Job design me clearly defineing the content of a job as for as possible. Expected result of job must be defined along with the job it means the job must be specified clearly and what all the activities have to be performed in a particular job. 


Departmentation is a process of keeping a grouping in the nature of job in a particular department. While grouping the job manager must keep in mind that only the related or similar job are grouped under one department so that there can be specialisation. 

Span of management/ span of control. 

Span of management refers to the number of subordinates can be effectively managed by one superior. The span of management depend on. 
  • Capacity and intelligence level of superiors or manager.
  • The trust of manager in the subordinate. 
  • The intelligence level of employees or the subordinate 
  • Nature of job routine job aur challenging job.

Delegation of authority

Delegation of authority request to sharing authority between superior to subordinate. While delegation of authority to the subordinate superior must keep in mind the capacity of subordinate weather subordinate is able to handle the authority which is assigned by the superior
